Friday, May 13, 2016

A quick attitude adjustment

Have you noticed how negative we are? Everything in my world seems to be so negative. The news is often cringe worthy-sensationalized drama.... I do not need that in my life! I hardly turn on the tube anymore, if I do, I watch recordings of my favorite shows and fast forward through all the commercials. I do not need so much negativity.

It seems everywhere we turn, there is negativity. Even the political debates are negative, mud-slinging.. when did this world we live in become so negative an in-humane?

It really is no wonder people are finding solace in gratitude journals, we really do have so much to be grateful for, but we have lost that kind of focus.

I have noticed in my own life, since I started to paying attention, how much negativity I expose myself to and the impact it is having on my psyche.... Road Rage anyone? I mean really, one day, I got so bent out of shape about a driver that cut me off.... I literally felt an out of body experience as I sped up, proceeded to chase the other driver, becoming a danger to myself and frankly every other driver on the road at the time. What is that???????? I was on my way to the grocery store.. I wasn't even on my way to work or late for anything...

So, I started taking a hard look at all the negativity I expose myself to and I try to remember to let go of the things which I have no control over. What good is anger any way? I mean in this case, the other driver didn't even seem to notice me there... probably caught up in her own world, for all I know, she could have had an emergency somewhere.... of not... I am not perfect by any sense of the imagination, but I can learn to cool it a little bit, lose some of the ego and realize that not everything is about me.... Everyone has their own world, their own issues, their own drama to deal with.. she didn't deliberately cut me off because I am me.... it had nothing to do with me. With gratitude, I thought, well... good thing I was paying attention and I was able to head off the accident. I felt my shoulders relax, my grip on the steering wheel loosen and my teeth unclench.... Sure enough, just that little bit of attitude adjustment, on the spot changed my day...

Once I started paying attention to my thoughts, I realized how judgemental I can be, not just towards other people, but especially of myself. I wouldn't allow ANYONE to talk to me the way I speak to myself in my thoughts........No wonder I have been miserable!

Pay attention to what you think. If you pay attention, you have a golden opportunity to change it on the spot.... say a quick serenity prayer...

Can you chance the situation? Complaining about it won't change a darn thing, so either let it go, if it is something you cannot change or take ACTION and change it if you can.. Judging the situation will not improve it. Judging yourself will only make you feel worse and judging others... well that hasn't gotten me anywhere... how about you?

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