Monday, May 23, 2016

Love Relationships

Image result for intimate love relationships

Out of the mouths of babes….”Mom, you can’t find Love by hiding out in your bedroom”
Love and Relationships are something I consider a priority. I have been a single mom for 13 years now. My sons are growing and have love relationships of their own and its time for me to find a romantic relationship of my own. And, my son is right, I am not likely to find it by sitting in my room.
When I broke down relationships into three categories, family, friends and love interest, I decided I should take baby steps in order to make lasting changes. In order to do this, I selected one goal for each of the three sub-categories, family, friends, love interest.
I made family dinner on Sunday a priority and I made a monthly date night with each son a priority. I also took a look at how I can improve my friendships. The last part of relationships I needed to evaluate.. my love interest.
So, how can I make my love interest a priority when I don’t have one?
Well… I decided my wise 15 year old was correct when he basically told me to get off my ass and meet some people.
Now, when I started thinking about it, the best way to meet someone with similar interests, is to meet someone while doing something I am interested in.. This is easy.. I can easily list my hobbies, my recreation moments of blissful timelessness. When I apply the Pareto Principle again, I already know what things I love doing, like dancing, hiking, camping, scuba diving…. but I do not make them a priority. That is for another post, but the fact is, if I start scheduling time to do the things I love, I am more likely to meet someone with similar interests. I could make new friends who also love dancing or scuba diving or any of the other things I love, or I could even meet a potential love interest.
Truly, this becomes a multi-purpose agenda item, by making time for the things I love, I am making myself happy, I am also meeting people who love to do the same things I love. While my goal in making myself a priority and doing more of the things I love is not to meet a potential love interest…. staying at home will never get me there, so what can it hurt?

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